14 May 2007

The wall !!!

I have a downright naked wall in my sewing-room. Look at this !!!

It's the design-wall, and it feels cold, naked and alone in the world ! Ne'er a block to keep it warm and cheerful. Just white batting and a few, stray threads clinging to the surface.

Oh, well. The reason this wall is in such a pitiful condition is actually quite good. At least it is to me. The sampler-top is FINISHED ! Lookeee :

And I started the first block on September 15th of 2006.
Amazing what progress can be made on a project if you actually work on it :-)

And this means, that I now only have one, single project going !
What is more, I'm denying myself the pleasure of starting a new one until the 4 tops I have finished during the past 3 weeks have been sent off to their respective quilters. How's that for incentive to get my act together and go to the post-office :-)


Jeanne said...

Tilde, you are my idol! Congratulations on the empty wall and the beautiful quilts.

Hanne said...

Good going Tilde :-)
I am taking the liberty of loading your photo on WIP.

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

Looks great Tilde! My wall is still full! I had better get moving:)