31 March 2007

Last day of March status

March has been very productive.
DDs quilt-top is finished.
Backing is acquired (but not yet pieced)
And the QD is getting a work-out.
... as can be seen on the picture. If you don't remember what it looked like on the first of the month, you can see the picture here.

A month ago, only one and a half rows were joined, and very little was pressed-and-trimmed beyond that.
Now, more than half has been joined, and the pressing-and-trimming of the individual blocks are that wee bit ahead of the sewing necessary for my enjoyment :-)
What is more, the brown setting-fabric (a lovely "solid" batik, Hoffmann # 1895 "Havana") makes the blocks "glow" ... well ... at least I think so :-)

I am not, however, joining the rows yet. I need to press and trim them individually, getting rid of the rabbit-ears and too-much fabric in the seams that I can, so that when I have the entire top joined, the amount of pressing-and-trimming still to be done will be minimal.

And that was the March-status ... and part of my Lent status.
I have fallen through - miserably or gloriously, as you feel inclined - on my "no shopping" ... but I have actually kept myself in line with the "no starts" :-)
And the result is - with one more week of lent to go - a finished top, and major progress on the next one.
Nice :-)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Tilde, you've made great progress this month and it looks so beautiful!