15 April 2007

Cats and Rabbits and Quilts ... oh my :-)

On your right, meet Miss Houdini, the rabbit :-)
She is here pictured on our deck, but yesterday she was let out on what once was something resembling a tiny lawn in our front-yard. She promptly dug her way out, hence the (temporary) name "Miss Houdini".

Today, DH is going to at least try to partially rabbit-proof the yard, which means that he is digging down yards and yards of chicken-wire, so that we have a chance of catching rabbit when she practices her Houdini-tricks.

On your left, you see the reason why there is a temporary lull in proceedings of the binding on the little pink thing. Pictured there is baby-cat, Josephine, taking the quilt into posession.
It is very comfortable, to lie down, close to a favourite human, and snuggle up. Well, this human does not have the ability to sew the binding on, with a cat lying on the relevant part. It is - unfortunately - outside of my capabilities.

She does look comfy, though, doesn't she :-)


quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

Who knew bunnies could burrow?

Jeanne said...

Isn't it great to have quilt testers who are soft and cuddly? Looks like Joshepine approves of the quilt. Hope you are able to get the binding on soon.